The 4 pillars of AlgoLightHouse

Thanks to its 4 pillars, AlgoLightHouse guarantees effective monitoring and continuous reinforcement of your security in the face of emerging threats.

Continuous mapping and perimeter visibility

AlgoLightHouse identifies and maintains an up-to-date mapping of your external attack surface and a view of the exposed perimeter. This enables you to identify potential points of entry that can be exploited by an attacker, and thus to carry out much more exhaustive monitoring. 360° identification, including detection of : • new sub-domains and IP addresses • shadow IT • compromise markers • compromised identifiers linked to corporate e-mail addresses • confidential information and documents on the Deep Web and Dark Web • new typosquatting domain names • mentions and secrets in source code repositories

Detection of unsecured access points

EASM AlgoLightHouse detects unsecured access points, reducing the risk of intrusion and loss of sensitive data. Complete detection, including detection of : • expired and vulnerable SSL certificates • sensitive paths, including administrative interfaces • exposed sensitive and administration ports • vulnerable configurations, including CMS (WordPress)

OSINT watch and research: to monitor your critical assets


Data leakage and targeted threat analysis: Clear, Deep, Dark Web

Data leakage and targeted threat analysis: Clear, Deep, Dark Web

Whether underlying or imminent, we monitor all potential signs of threats. In addition to continuous mapping of your external attack surface, the service proactively monitors the corporate perimeter and those at risk. The AlgoLightHouse EASM can detect credentials linked to company e-mail addresses, confidential documents concerning the monitored perimeter among the main forums and marketplaces of the Deep Web and Dark Web, or even S3 buckets that could be publicly exposed... Analysis of targeted threats such as typosquatting or Hall of Shame (ransomware) is also included in the monitoring service. This vigilance facilitates early detection of potential leaks of sensitive information, and helps mitigate the risk of targeted cyberattacks.

Automated tools bring up a large amount of information, which already provides an initial scan. However, they can’t match the finesse of our experts’ analysis, taking complex attack paths into account…


Alerts automatically raised by our tools are checked by our teams for more detailed analysis.


Next, a first sorting is carried out, and false positives are discarded so that we can concentrate on the other elements.


Next, alerts are qualified - minor, major, important or critical. Remedial action is added by the analyst.


Finally, the alert appears prioritized on the platform; if it's critical, you're warned.


L'alerte remontée automatiquement par les outils est vérifiée par nos équipes pour une analyse plus fine.


Un premier tri est effectué et les faux-positifs sont écartés afin de pouvoir se concentrer sur les autres éléments.


Les alertes sont qualifiées - mineures, majeures ou critiques. L'action de remédiation est ajoutée par l'analyste.


L'alerte priorisée apparait sur la plateforme. Si elle est critique, vous êtes alerté immédiatement.

The AlgoLighthouse platform provides a global view of the situation, as well as detailed monitoring of the status of corrective actions. Essential information on the vulnerabilities of your external attack surface precisely guides your remediation efforts.

A test and verification phase is integrated to guarantee the effectiveness of the corrections made.

At the same time, a dedicated team is at your disposal to discuss and guarantee the robustness of the measures implemented. In fact, a test and validation phase is systematically carried out to ensure that each correction is fully effective.

Operational Information Security roadmap

• Dashboard / Monitoring • Prioritization • Real-time monitoring • Targeted remediation • Continuous improvement

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