AlgoLightHouse Managed Service (MSSP)

The benefits of our managed service

AlgoLightHouse is a managed service for managing your attack surface : from reporting alerts to monitoring the implementation of remediation actions.

  • Software cost optimization

    AlgoLightHouse integrates several tools designed to scan, monitor and detect vulnerabilities. These tools include licensed solutions, open source software and tools developed in-house by our teams. You benefit from key control points to ensure complete visibility and monitoring of your assets. Vous bénéficier de points de contrôle clés pour assurer une visibilité et une surveillance complète de vos actifs.

  • Additional cyber human resources

    The AlgoLightHouse managed service enables you to benefit from the expertise of our highly qualified teams, while lightening the workload of your in-house teams. Moreover you reduce the cost of hiring and training cybersecurity experts.

  • Save time for your in-house teams

    Repetitive monitoring tasks are automated. Feedback is managed by our offensive analysts. Furthermore AlgoLightHouse analysts are well versed in evaluating alerts automatically and identifying false positives. All in all, you can see which alerts are most important, and take corrective actions.

Our offensive analysts are experts in cybersecurity. The team brings together qualified profiles with complementary skills: in pentesting, in OSINT investigation techniques and a perfect knowledge of the tools deployed for relevant and rapid analysis.


    Klea Offensive Analyst, AlgoLightHouse

    My role is to facilitate the CISO's work, analyzing and sorting information. The aim is to give him an informed view of his external perimeter's exposure, and to provide him with the means to strengthen his I.S.

    Gros plan d'un analyste offensif entouré d'ordinateurs

    Putting ourselves in the attackers' shoes

    To defend better, AlgoLightHouse teams adopt an attacker's posture. With their sharp eyes, they identify vulnerabilities with precision and are able to spot early warning signs of incidents.

    Guiding you and your teams

    Proximity and human relations are part of our DNA. Our analysts provide precise insight into alerts and remediation actions. Reactive and at your service: you can chat directly with our analysts, via the platform chat, to understand security flaws and get additional help if needed. There will also be monthly exchanges between your teams and ours.

    Our team's strengths

    - Regularly trained experts with recognized training and certification. - Daily cyber intelligence. - Excellent knowledge of the tools deployed. - Close collaboration with our incident response team.

    LOGO OSINT - Open source intelligence
    OSCP AlgoLightHouse
    logo OSEP

    Let's talk about your needs

    AlgoLightHouse is a managed service for external attack surface monitoring (EASM). It brings greater clarity to the management of information systems security.

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